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 This is the library. Here there is also the guidance office. There are more than four guidance teachers here at Wissahickon Middle School. In the library is where kids can print out papers in color and scan papers any time they want. There is no time on the schedule for kids to go to the library, but kids are allowed to go to the library during their free time if the teacher permits. Also if a kid forgets to bring his computer to school or if they need a computer, they can check out an extra computer. In the library there are many types of books to pick from, from record books to long fiction books. The next stop is the band room. To get there, go and face the guidance office. Next, turn right and walk out.   When you get to the first hallway turn left and walk down until you get to the next hallway, Turn right and head down to the end of the hallway. you should see a set of stairs with the number 6 on it. Go down and you will be at the band room.

Stop 6 Libarary

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